Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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In the past years, many people have seeked a “shelter” or a new change, whether for their children or for themselves. For the different reasons many people enter America, they don’t take into account the strain it has upon the education systems and the federal government. Everyone wants to have an equal opportunity for a better life. Many have had a criminal record, which is linked with unemployment, lower wages, and welfare. About 300,000 out of 11 million undocumented people who are in America have committed a felony. Also according to the Migration Policy Institute, they have estimated 820,000 of 11 million undocumented people have been convicted of a crime. The Trump administration wants to break from the Obama administration by applying …show more content…

Generally the democrats are in favor of helping hard working immigrants who want to be part of this country by offering Amnesty and DECA. They want to make it easier for illegal immigrants to be able to get green cards and obtain U.S. citizenship. Also, believing that hardworking illegals who provide for their families and are law abiding should not be faced with the threat of immediate deportation. In that regard, they want to enact executive actions that will benefit illegal immigrants, primarily amnesty believing in providing a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants especially those brought here as children. Undocumented immigrants within our borders who clear background check, work hard and pay taxes should have a path to earn full participation in America. In fact, president Obama fought for the Dream Act which is legislation that would allow illegal immigrants who are working and continuing an education to become legal residents and eventually U.S. citizens. In democratic forums, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders argued that deportations are ripping apart hard-working undocumented people who are merely trying to make a good life for their families. Senator Hillary Clinton, vowed to be more open than President Obama in her campaign when the issue of illegal immigration came up and vowed to deport illegals who had committed crimes, not law abiding, hardworking

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