Pestel Analysis Of Starbucks

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Originated in United States (US), Starbucks selected Singapore as the third international market to expand its business in 1996. It offers all-embracing products of coffee, handcrafted beverages, light food, merchandise and consumer products as well as an exclusive Starbucks experience to the customers. Starbucks Singapore prides itself on the 100th store expansion in 2014 (Priscilla, 2014). The company is staying ahead in the Singapore coffee chain industry, yet it is facing numerous emerging challenges in the global competitive environment.

A PESTEL Analysis is a marketing framework to analyse how an organisation is being impacted by a wide range of external imperatives.

2.1 Political
Local political factor has a less significant impact on Starbucks Singapore due to strong political stability in Singapore. Singapore is consistently ranked as the lowest political risk country in Asia since 2002 (Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau, 2015).

However, the political stability in the global market is highly important as Starbucks coffee is certified as an ethically traded coffee. It is vital for Starbucks Singapore to maintain an intimate international relationship with Starbucks origin country US and other 65 country chains by adhering the Starbucks business ethics, thereby building a sustainable coffee brand.

2.2 Economic
EnterpriseOne (2015) reported that the Singapore economy is growing steadily with 2.1% in Q1

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