Purple Drank Informative Speech

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We, as a society, can pass laws against every drug or drug concoction on the planet. It doesn't matter. People will always come up with something knew to dazzle the mind and hurt the body. The purple drank effect is a fairly new endeavor in the world of man-made substances. For all it's wonderful mind-altering benefits, this concoction comes with a fair amount of things we should all be concerned about.

All About Purple Drank
The name alone should tell us the inventor of this concoction wasn't in their right-mind. What is it? It's a combination of prescription cough medicine with codeine, sprite and a Jolly Rancher candy, which the inventor threw in for good measure and additional flavor. The concoction gets its name from the color of the cough medicine. …show more content…

plus other "side effects" such as motor-skill impairment, lethargy, drowsiness, and a dis-associative feeling. Bottom line, it supposedly produces a mind-altering experience people refer to as the "purple drank effect."

Dangers of the Purple Drank Effect
Unfortunate, the purple drank effect has the ability to cause some serious health issues, including addiction and overdose. The amount of couch medicine with codeine people use is far above the recommended dosage. Codeine acts to suppress coughing, and doctors prescribe it for mild pain issues. When taken in high doses, the substance can cause breathing problems. A secondary substance known as promethazine acts as a sedative, which influences the central nervous system. As you can see, all of this adds up to danger.

This concoction is also higly addictive. Codeine is an opiate. The side effects and addictive nature of opiates (heroin, Oxycontin, Percoset) are becoming legendary. A premiere Florida-based addiction treatment center like Beaches Recovery is starting to see an uptick in the number of patients addicted to these substances coming through the door.

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