Realistic Problems In Margaret Peterson Haddix's 'Because Of Anya'

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“Because of Anya,” is a story written by Margaret Peterson Haddix. The two main characters with realistic problem is Anya and Keely. Anya, has a disease of Alopecia Areata, a type of a disease that causes patchy hair-loss. During the school year, Anya was scared that people, knew about her wig. The problem is realistic, because it 's common problem to overcome her fears. On page #13, Anya’s mother was worried about anyone noticing about her wig. Anya’s mom said, “Well, that 's good isn 't it? So it doesn 't matter. We worried for nothing.” Keely, on the other hand, has the problem to speak up to her friends. Everyone been there, can 't speak up to your friends. That makes this problem realistic. On page #44, Keely and her friends, talked

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