Society Functions Without Respect Essay

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Can society function without respect? From the eyes of the world, one might argue that showing respect to others is a sign of weakness. The ability to forgive others can often be confused as a shortcoming in one’s self. However, respect is the fundamental foundation of a trusting society. Without respect, there wouldn’t be compassion, kindness, or humility. Respect is necessary in every society, especially one with a vast variety of differences. Respect is the essential link of a never-ending chain. When there is respect, there is love. When there’s love, there is trust. And when there’s trust, there’s honesty. If one of these significant elements is broken, the rest fall with it. Growth in a community can only happen when the people in it …show more content…

For example, when looking at history, the example Adolf Hitler set vividly illustrates what happens when a society doesn’t have respect. Hitler, a politician and leader of Germany, started World War II because he didn’t respect the rights of others. The German people had a vast variety of races, genders, and many divergent beliefs. Nevertheless, Hitler believed all people that didn’t share his views were inferior people. He had no respect for anyone who was not of the aryan or supposedly superior race. The problem was not the differences in physical appearance, race, and beliefs, it was the disrespect he gave to his people. When individuals believe their opinions are more important than anyone else’s, nothing else can function. This has been proven in a society, which was once thought to be ideal. The United States of America itself was built on the promising idea of respect. The earliest immigrants came searching for religious freedom, a type of respect they weren’t getting in their homeland. Once America started growing, the number of different nationalities grew too. The golden rule states, “treat others as you would like to be treated.” It’s imperative to respect all different types of people, and the differences in size, age, ability, and

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