Rhetorical Analysis Of Never Cry Wolf

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There is an estimated 60,000 wolves in Canada. Farley Mowat studies the grey wolf in his book Never Cry Wolf (1963). Throughout the book, Mowat uses the rhetorical strategies pathos, logos, and personification to disprove the misconception about wolves. The book is about a scientist (Farley Mowat) that flies into the Canadian Barrens in order to research wolves. His goal is to prove that wolves are killing thousands of caribou for sport, but he find that the wolves are not to blame for the decrease in caribou populations. The most significant factor Mowat uses to convince the reader that wolves are not viscous killers is the rhetorical strategy of logos. In chapter seven of the book, Mowat spends hours watching a new found wolf den. After a long time of no movement he decides to stand up. As he turns around he sees three adult wolves had been “sitting there behind my back for hours” (71). He had no idea how long they had been there but he knew they did not even try to attack him. The fact was he had given the “bloodthirsty” wolves every chance to attack and kill him, but they did not. …show more content…

One of these uses is the naming of the wolves. Mowat names the wolves based on their charecteristics. He names the male and father of the cubs George, and his mate is named Angeline. The third wolf is given the name Uncle Albert due to the way he treats the cubs and his willingness to assist Angeline in the taking care of the pups. The chapter named Good Old Uncle Albert describes the day Mowat names the third wolf. During the chapter Mowat goes through an observation he makes involving Angeline and her pups. The pups are play attacking her and when she has had enough and attempts to escape, Uncle Albert steps in. This action is described in the way an observer would describe an interaction with a disgruntled mother and her children. When she has had enough she asks the Uncle to step in and take them off her

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