Richard Ramirez Research Paper

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Abstract Richard Ramirez was born Ricardo Leyva Muñoz on February 29, 1960, in El Paso, Texas, he was the youngest of seven from Mexican immigrants parents who were rail road works name Julian and Mercedes Ramirez which his father was from Morelia Mexico and his mom from the City of Juarez. Richard as a child had a troubled childhood because of his head injuries at an early age and began to experience epileptic fits. During his childhood and teen life, Richard began to sniff glue and smoking marijuana. At age twelve he began spending time with his cousin Mike who returned from war. Mike showed Richard photos of Vietnamese women he had raped, tortured, and killed, and also taught him how to keep hidden and kill with secrecy.Satanic workshop …show more content…

By him experiencing the death of Mike’s wife his life was affected. Richard Ramirez at age eighteen was a heavy drug user what caused him to be placed in juvenile detention for a string of petty crimes in 1977. By 1892 we has also put on probation for a marijuana possession with his cousin Mike. After his probation and juvenile sentence was over he moved out from El Paso to San Francisco and from there to Los Angeles, from that moment his cocaine addiction and burglary, interest in weapons and most important Satanism was involved. His first charge in San Francisco was a car theft in 1983 and led him to a jail sentence of eight months. He was arrested constantly in the Los Angeles area for auto theft, in 1981 and again in 1984, later began to neglect his personal hygiene. After his burglaries turned to violence and something more evil, which no one expected. Ramirez first murder was on June 28, 1984, his first victim was Jennie Vincow a 79-year old lady who was sexually assaulted, stabbed and killed during a burglary in her own home. The purpose of why he killed Jennie Vincow because he was angry after not finding anything of value to steal, and began …show more content…

Over the next few months, his murders rate escalated, claiming another dozen victim in a period of burglary, assault and brutal violence, complete with Satanic rituals. He journeyed through San Francisco where he killed two other people named Peter and Barbara Pan. From those two murders, his Satanic symbol was known by the press. Of many complains about the victims and the press demanding the police to do more to catch the killer. From there hundreds of law-enforcements officers were established, and the FBI stepped to assist. Richard did not stop on May 29, 1985, attacked was again with Malvial Keller and her sister who had a disability Blanche Wolfe by beating them with a hammer. Ramirez attempted to rape Malviya but failed. When done with his attack he used a lipstick, to draw a pentagram on Malvial thighs and also on the wall of their bedroom. Both survived the attack but one was left with many fractures. The next day another attacked was done by Richard, his next victim was Ruth Wilson who was raped, bound, and sodomized, while her son was locked in a closet. Richard slid Ruth and her son in the throat and breast. Over the next two months, Richard committed more than eight crimes with raped and stabbing, but mostly shooting his victims. The media and police were pressured to find the Nightstalker and put him behind bars. Which Ramirez was forced to

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