Ethical Implications Of Same-Sex Marriage And Homosexuals

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Framework of the Study Little has been written about this specific phenomenon. Berger (1982) found that successful marriages of this type are rare. According to Timothy J. Dailey (2004), homosexual relationship is radically different from married couples and lasts only a fraction of the length of married couples. There are approximately 20% of marriages involving heterosexuals and homosexual spouse that have made it through the storm, Wendy (2009). Over 20% of both gay and bisexual men remained married for 7 years after coming out or disclosure. There are 58% of married heterosexuals who stays for about 20 years after marriage, Zimmerman (2013). According to an opinion piece in New York Times, (2013) population of gay are higher in such tolerant places like Philippines. The authors concluded that large numbers of gay are married to straight women and also many lesbians who are married to straight men. The spouse and children’s lack of awareness is the mediator variable that contributes to the perception of marriage as successful. However, Binger (1996) indicates that many of these men are likely to experience guilt and anxiety. Guilt stems from their unauthentic lifestyle and from the concealment itself. Anxiety is associated with the potential harmful ramifications of an unplanned discovery of their homosexuality. …show more content…

In this theory, homosexuals enter the relationship with heterosexuals because they seek the same reward that heterosexuals are seeking, such as intimacy, financial security, stability and social conformity. Social exchange theory explains that couples enter the relationship because they are motivated by the goodness of outcomes they are expected to bring, West & Turner (2007). Couples that received equal rewards and costs are more likely satisfied with their marriage, Monge & Contractor

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