Skogquist In High School Analysis

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“I was now popular, and it was at Tiffany Stephenson’s expense.” (Skogquist, paragraph 14) Skogquist starts with the normal new kid, new school story. No one really knows what goes on at households when you are a kid. None of your friends or teachers really know what conditions you live in, fully for that matter. Skogquist was a normal girl with a not normal family, the father figures in her life were alcoholics and one suffered from schizophrenia and her mother on the other hand was stubborn and apparently not strong enough to take her child away from such a negative influence. Once she had the opportunity to have something to look forward to, she jumped at it. Not knowing the consequences it would have on a girl just like her, causing her …show more content…

Our teacher would always say “Look through things from different point of views, just because you see it as wrong does not mean that the other person does. Not necessarily that they are a bad human being, but because that is what they know to be right. That is all they know.” In my personal opinion I would not forgive Skogquist, I would acknowledge it but it wouldn’t be much more than that. Skogquist had a “horrible” childhood and who’s to blame her for wanting to fit in for once? She finally has something to look forward to and it feels so right and she feels so empowered, but this is not real friendship. This is a way for her to escape her own personal problems. Tiffany Stephenson was described as being normal, even “pretty” as Skogquist says. It is hard to believe someone when you were enemies and then they come up to you later in life and say “I was jealous of you.” Like how the typical cliche movies go. It is true, I believe it to be true here. Skogquist was jealous of Tiffany, compared to everyone else she was just so normal. Skogquist owes it to Tiffany to tell her why she “hated” her. She knows now that it was not right, but as Tiffany (I know it is hard to believe but) how could you blame her. Skogquist childhood was just about equally as messed up as Tiffany’s. Maybe Tiffany, and I would be understanding in that sense.
One person's actions affected that whole classroom. The real person to blame could be the parents of Skogquist. You can definitely tell this is eating at Skogquist and she sounds sincere, after knowing the full details I could forgive her. Her actions were not right at all and the future damage she caused Tiffany could be huge. Tiffany probably never had a childhood because she was too scared to seek out friends, or worse cause the same emotional damage to others as once was done to

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