Responsibilities In Court Case Study

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The courtroom is an establishment made to exercise justice and truth to its citizens. There are different actors that made up the courtroom. These actors include the judge, lawyers, court clerk, parole officer, court officer/bailiff. Victim representative, representatives of the state (which include mental health agencies, etc.), juries and jury commission officers, and many more. The main actors in court are the defense attorney, the district attorney (prosecutor) and the judge. These three actors have a common goal to enforce the law and to give justice to those who deserve it. Each lawyer has a set of rules to establish professional conduct in the courtroom during a trial. These rules are the responsibilities and duties each lawyer must …show more content…

In society, there are still ongoing issues regarding race and discrimination. Since many of the stereotypes and stigmas transfers from many social constructs, many criminal justice officials also carry these stereotypes and stigmas. Due to the stereotypes many lawyers internalize, it causes conflict between the relationship between the client and the lawyer. Another major issue that many lawyers face is regarding the issue of income. It is a lawyer's responsibility to provide counsel to those who cannot afford one if they choose to have counsel. Due to the increasing number of poor individuals in society, there is a high demand for court-appointed counsel. This high demand demands time from the lawyers and results in the lawyer not properly performing their job of providing justice for their client. For example, if a defense attorney has many court-appointed defendants, they are more likely to convince their clients to take plea deals in order to prevent a lengthy trial and because it is more convenient for the lawyer instead of fighting for their client and obtaining justice (if the defendant is wrongly accused). The Rules of Professional Conduct provides solutions for the many conflicts lawyers face. In this document, it states that "such issues must be resolved through the exercise of sensitive professional and moral judgment guided by the basic principles …show more content…

Self-regulation is the "ability to control one's own behavior, emotions, or thoughts, altering them in accordance with the demands of the situation." (Cook, J.L. Cook|G. "Self-Regulation.", 30 Apr. 2014, Self-regulation "helps maintain the legal profession's independence from government domination." (Massachusetts Rules of Professional Conduct, S.J.C. Rule 3:07, 2016). By maintaining self-regulation, a lawyer is also able to act in a professional and moral manner in court during a trial and prevents abuse of legal authority and abuse, whether mental and/or physical abuse of the

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