Summary Of Baseball Great By Tim Green

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Baseball Great is a series of novels written by Tim Green the children's sports author that has made a name for himself writing several sports fiction novels. The series which debuted with Baseball Great published in 2009 features Josh a player with the Titans baseball team that plays in a minor baseball league. His novels have all made national bestseller lists with several making the top 30 of the New York Times bestselling lists. In addition to writing children's sports fiction he is the author of A Man and his Mother: An Adopted Son's Search which was a memoir that was featured on ABC Prime Time, Entertainment Tonight, and in People Magazine. He first got into writing when he attended the Syracuse University where he got acquainted with …show more content…

Tim Green writes a mysterious novel that often asks questions and involves problems to be solved or decisions to be made. The lead in the series is Josh LeBlanc a young adolescent with a diverse personality that could make him your worst enemy or best friend. Despite his age Josh understand the dynamics that drives team sports and is very mature for his age. He never tries to do too much, never brags about his capabilities or stats, is active in cheering on his teammates, and always stays positive. He treats every team mate well regardless of whether they are struggling or excelling for the team. However he never fails to stand up for what he deems as injustice. For instance, he stands up tot he umpire in Rivals because he believes the calls he makes are biased against his team. The series deals with several themes including boldness to go for your dreams, working hard in spite of peer pressure and bullying and staying away from negative influences. Josh always goes with his gut feeling, works hard to achieve his ambition and makes hard decisions that other people will not. He takes it upon himself to lead and stand up for what he believes is right even if it is unpopular and in the process becomes a leader that everyone …show more content…

After all their hard work and training they have made it to the national tournament in the city that is home of the National Baseball Hall of Fame. On the line is more than just the trophy as he would love to make his coach who is also his dad proud of him. Winning could also bring much attention to the team and potentially big moves to the major leagues once the big league scouts come in. After a brutal injury and dirty play threaten to spoil Josh's tournament run, he discovers something suspicious. He tries to talk to Jaden to ask her to help in the investigation but she is too busy with Micky Mullen JR a star player with the L.A. Comets. She says that she is busy researching an article for the paper but Josh doubts her sincerity. Josh is now involved in a dangerous on and off the field game as Tim Green offers a hard hitting insight into the lengths teams will go to to

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