Summary Of Rebecca By Daphne Du Maurier

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Dreams are often viewed as peaceful escapes, but sometimes dreams make someone's worst nightmares come true. In a excerpt from Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, The narrator describes a dream where she walks up on a abandon house that has been consumed by nature. The author uses spooky diction to describe the many setting of the story. She used words like nightmarish, tenacious, and haunting to describe the gate the trail and the house. This setting created a very dreary mood. In the beginning of the passage, du maurier created a mood of gloom by describing the gate. The narrator could not enter the gate because of a rusted padlock. She wanted a closer look so she walked up to the gate perring through the rusted spokes (pg5) she could see a lodge. She saw that the lodge was uninhabited and that no one was living there. The reason why she knew it was uninhabited was because there was no lights on and no smoke coming from out of the chimney. She was puzzled and intrigued and wanted to go explore the lodge some more and get a closer look. In order for the author to get to the lodge she must first …show more content…

The nature has reclaimed the trail for its own trees and roots sprout out from the trial there are low overhanging limbs that makes it harder to walk without ducking and dodging. The blue hydrangeas that used to bloom here now bloom black and nameless.I would usually recognize the shrubs that used to bloom here ,but know one has taken a hand to them in years . Now those are just parasites The gnarled roots that grow out from the sidewalk look like skeletons claws. Shadows seemed to be following my every move as i walked down. The trail did not seem like it was ever going to end it stretched out for mile and miles and then miles after that but she kept walking. Finally i saw house on the horizon so i knew i was almost there. I finally trudged the whole trail and i ran into a big house at the trails end. The house seemed to be

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