The Great Gatsby What Is The Differences Between East And The East

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Is there always a difference between the East/ New York and the West ? In some places, there is usually difference between the wealthy and the poor. Also, there tends to be a change in religion or race. Well, in the novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott. Fitzgerald, there is slightly a difference between the East and the Midwest. Throughout the novel I realize that the people in the Midwest are different than the people in the East for various reasons. The differences in the novel contain things such as how the people act, the way others spend their money, and the stuff that one side likes. While reading The Great Gatsby, I determined that the Midwest was not so wealthy. Also, that the Midwest wasn’t as sophisticated as the east. The main character, the narrator, Nick lived on the Midwest Egg after moving from France. Nick’s cousin Daisy and her husband Tom lived a complete opposite kufestyle, as they lived on the East Egg in a mansion. Fitzgerald writes that Nick “I lived at West Egg- well, the less fashionable of the two, though this is a most superficial tag to express the bizarre and not a little sinister contrast between them” (Fitzgerald 5). What I learned about the East was that is was more wealthy and modern than the Midwest. Throughout the novel NIck often talked about the East Egg as “ Across the courtesy bay the white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered along the water,” ( Fitzgerald 5). So, after reading this novel, I learned that there was a big

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