The Help Tate Taylor Analysis

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The film The Help directed by Tate Taylor, is set in Jackson, Mississippi during the 1960’s. The film depicts the segregation of the coloured help, compared to the superiority of the white employers during the early civil rights movement. I thought that the film 's focal point is the circumstances of the coloured, particularly the female help and emphasizes the relationships that they engage with their white employers, along with their work environment. This film clearly illustrates to me the dysfunctional formation of society within this time which this is shown through multiple themes, through comparison of race, gender and education as well as how the influence society has on an individual 's psychological growth this consequently make …show more content…

In a way I can relate to this as even today it is not uncommon for women to pride themselves on their “beauty” and there are many girl, and elder women, who are obsessed with the way they look. Although, the expectations and conventional ideas as to what a woman is valued on has changed majorly in major ways to create equality between genders sexism and misogyny still exists today. I think that an adequate example of this is the “gender pay gap”. The gender pay gap is the overall difference in pay between men and women for the exact same job, because one of them has a different anatomy to the other. Research in New Zealand which occurred in the year 2000 consequently showed that majority of the gender pay gap, between 40 and 80 percent, could be explained by the difference in occupation, industry of employment, work experience and women 's qualifications in relation to men. Therefore, the remaining 20 to 60 percent of these statistics were considered “unexplained”. I think that this therefore could possibly imply that the remaining 20 to 60 percent could …show more content…

All of them. But I also knew that the second you started working here, she started getting better. You saved her life”

Personally, this theme showed me how the aspects of a society can alter an individual 's well being and in a way taught me a lesson as to how not to have history repeat itself. I felt that it was heartwarming to learn how Celia’s husband loved her regardless and I thought that their relationship in particular was beyond their time as it lacked racial prejudice and discrimination of gender and race.

Overall, I thought that the themes of the film The Help exposes the the racial and social aspects of a society. Emphasizing to me the dysfunctional aspects of the formation of a southern town society, such as Jackson, during the early civil rights movement and consequently how these aspects of society impact and influence the individuals of Jackson. I also believe that The Help serves a purpose of representing history and is an attempt to teach further generation, how we personally, as individuals, impact and influence the formation and equality of society today as a part of a

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