Their Eyes Were Watching God Pear Tree Analysis

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In the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, home to Janie is a place that has both positive and negative associations- the pear tree. Janie constantly goes to the pear tree for comfort; it is her place of happiness, peace and her love life. At the same time, Janie has the pear tree embedded in her mind. She constantly compares her partners to the pear tree and what their love should be like; so when the thought of an unwelcoming incident pops up in her head, he is tarnishing her pear tree. At sixteen, Janie’s grandmother caught her kissing Johnny Taylor; Janie spends most of her day under the pear tree in her backyard with her mind-boggling questions on virginity, love and marriage. While lying under the pear tree, she witnesses a bee pollinate a flower and immediately after …show more content…

Janie’s first dream was dead, so she became a woman.” At the age of sixteen, Janie sat under the pear tree and discovers what marriage is- well at least she thought she did. Once married to her first husband, Logan, she realized that marriage does not necessarily entail love. After actually being married, it’s something different.

“He could be a bee to a blossom-a pear tree blossom in the spring.” When the thought of Janie’s lover comes into her head, she always thinks of the pear tree no matter where she is. In this situation she is speaking of her third husband, Tea Cake. Janie believed Tea Cake was perfect; he surely wasn’t ruining her pear tree. In conclusion, Janie’s home was the pear tree; it influenced her love life and she always found a way to take it with her. After her three marriages, rather than love coming along with the marriage, Janie learned that marriage changes with the partners you choose and you must find one with who you are harmonious with. With the pear tree being in her life from her first kiss to her third husband, the pear tree remained significant to

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