Theme Of Banquo's Rise In Paranoia

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The rise in paranoia and insomnia leads to further problems. Macbeth feels the irrational need to cover up his tracks, and the only witness he cold suspect is Banquo. His impression of Banquo is that he has the qualities of a king, which make Macbeth anxious and jealous, “Our fears in Banquo/ Stick deep; and in his royalty of nature/ Reigns that which would be fear’d" (3.1.53-55). In fear of his own sovereignty, Macbeth quickly becomes apprehensive of Banquo’s prophecy of him being the father to forthcoming kings, “Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none” (1.3.70). Furthermore, it convinces him into believing that Banquo is a threatening enemy, and he can only be safe if Banquo is killed. After Banquo’s murder, the guilt starts to affect

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