Theodore Roosevelt Foreign Policy Analysis

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Presidential diplomacies are about managing international relations with other countries. Diplomacies executed by President Theodore Roosevelt are the Big Stick Diplomacy, Monroe Doctrine, the sphere of influence and the open door policy. The diplomacy executed by President William Taft is the Dollar Diplomacy. The diplomacy executed by President Woodrow Wilson is the Moral Diplomacy.

President Theodore Roosevelt’s diplomacies are the Big Stick Diplomacy, Monroe Doctrine, the sphere of influence and the open door policy. The Big Stick Diplomacy is characterized by Roosevelt’s quote, “Speak softly, but carry a big stick.” Roosevelt used this diplomacy to intervene in Panama to build a canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This cuts through Central America shortening the time, than going around South America. The Panama Canal was for economic reasons. The Monroe Doctrine was to prevent the interference of Europe. Roosevelt also used international police power to enforce this doctrine. This was for National Security. The sphere of influence were regions of China outside the nation China had economic and political privileges. The Open Door Policy is when the secretary of state stated that all nations should have equal trading rights with China to European countries. This was to prevent one nation from becoming too powerful. Theodore Roosevelt had enforced the foreign policy objectives National …show more content…

The Dollar Diplomacy focuses on the power to secure rights to protect and expand business opportunities in other nations. The quote, “Substituting Dollars to Bullets” characterizes the Dollar Diplomacy. This is an example of an Economic Foreign policy objective. The U.S. helped the rebels overthrow the Nicaragua leader from the help of the U.S. Marine, so that the new leader would be more “U.S.-friendly”. Then the U.S. took control of Nicaragua’s finances U.S. troops remained in Nicaragua until

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