Thomas Jefferson's Surviving Antarctica

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We almost all have someone in our life that we think is the best or the most valued. My most valuable player or MVP is my dad because he is always there for me. In the book Surviving Antarctica, five kids, Polly, Robert, Andrew, Billy, and Grace, are selected to travel to Antarctica since $10,000 and an extra $90,000 to the MVP, if they complete the journey. The MVP should be brave, smart, kind, willing, and unselfish. I think Andrew should be MVP because he is unselfish and he is not scared of anything. One reason that Andrew should be MVP is that he is unselfish. In chapter 17 (200), he thinks of the ponies on the ice floes instead of thinking of the risk he was taking to save them. One pony died in the frigid water, but he managed to save the other pony. This was critical because the pony carried a lot of their gear that they would of had to carry themselves. Plus the pony was a source of transportation. His job was the ponies and he sacrificed his safety on land to help the ponies in distress. In chapter 26 (301) …show more content…

I chapter 17, when Robert is stuck in the crevasse and Billy didn’t have the guts to go down and try to save Robert. When Grace asks Andrew, he doesn’t hesitate to say yes. He manages to get Robert out of the crevasse with only a dislocated shoulder that he got in the fall while Billy is hiding in the tent (309). Another time, when Robert wants to cover up the snow cycle, Andrew volunteers (335). On page 196, Andrew doesn’t think twice about going onto the ice floes to save the ponies. He ended up saving a pony because of his quick thinking. I think Andrew should be MVP because he is brave and unselfish. My dad was the MVP in my life because he was always there for me. Andrew was there for everyone, every animal, and everything. Would you be as brave and as unselfish if you were in his shoes? Would you have gone into the crevasse and on the ice floes to risk your life for

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