What Is The Theme Of Loneliness In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Furthermore, when Eliezer finds out that the Nazi’s must have taken his father away and carried him to the crematory because his illnesses got the best of him due to his old age, he describes the situation afterwards: "There were no prayers at his grave. No candles were lit to his memory. His last word was my name. A summons, to which I did not respond." (106). When Elie considers his father’s last words, “A summons, to which I did not respond,” this displays that the deaths of all his family members have made him stone-hearted. Despite that, he has faced so much sorrow, his carelessness does not weep a single tear even once in his father’s remembrance. He is no longer the boy who only wanted to live for the sake of his father.The Nazi’s

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