Who Is The Joad Family In The Grapes Of Wrath

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The novel The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, narrates the story of the Joad family’s attempts to survive. The Joads were forced off their property that the family had owned for more than two generations. Tom Joad, the main character, is paroled from jail for homicide. Tom travels home, to find his family, whom he had to leave behind, after murdering another man. On his adventure home, he meets up with his old friend and former preacher Jim Casey. The two men travel together. As soon as they get to Tom's farmhouse, they find that it has been empty for many weeks. Upon arriving at the house, and after finding nobody home, they find an old neighbor, who tells them that the Joad family moved to Uncle John Joad's house. Their neighbor tells them that the bank foreclosed all of the farmer’s houses and farms and forced the residents to leave. The next morning, Tom and Casey started off to Uncle John's house. Tom arrives at Uncle John’s house only to find his family loading up their truck with the last of their belongings; because their crops had been destroyed by the many and severe dust storms, the family had to rely on their bank loans. The Joads leave the farm, to try and find work in California; which was described as offering a very high pay. Even though …show more content…

On the way to California, Granpa dies of a stroke, a little later Granma dies close to California while sleeping. When they get to California, they find that there are many people who want jobs, but there were only so many jobs plus the wages were very low due to the fact that they had so many workers. The Joads stop at Weedpatch camp to get some rest, and food. Being a Federal facility, a work camp was made to protect the migrants from California deputies, who liked to harass the

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