Why Do Alternative Medicines Rise To Fame?

1855 Words8 Pages

Lauren Maisano
Cassandra Pfiefer
English 101
27 October 2014
Alternative Medicines Rising to Fame

Who would have thought that a simple bee was responsible for making a more effective cure for relieving the symptoms of a cough than mainstream cough syrup? Honey is used in hot tea or any type of hot beverage to relieve the symptoms of a cough or soar throat immediately, which is considered to be one of the many alternative medicines available for use. Alternative medicines and treatments such as natural herbs, animal-made products, acupuncture, homeopathy, and traditional Chinese medicine have rapidly grown in popularity in the United States because of their positive outcomes and effects (Gale 1). Studies have shown that the natural substances, such as, …show more content…

Even though traditional medicines are known for curing illnesses and relieving pains, these can sometimes be ineffective due to misdiagnosis of a sickness (Matthew 1). When antibiotics fail, there exist alternative medicines and treatments to be attempted as well. The human body is prone to react more positively to natural and soothing medicines because these show a healthier and safer way to relieve symptoms of an illness. Alternative medicines and treatments give the body an overall positive outcome, which is why people are now relying on this nontraditional treatment either solely by itself or as a secondary treatment. Many researchers, doctors, and families around the world are turning to alternative medicines because they have been proven effective and are stated to be the healthier and

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