Why Do Books Should Be Banned In Schools

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The classic book to Kill a Mockingbird has been banned in all 50 states. It is a classic but people have wanted it banned and not letting their student read it That 's why you can 't trust everyone to choose books for you. I believe teachers, parents and the PTO doesn 't have the right to control what students read in school infact I think the students should choose what they read. Students should choose what they read because books can help you learn and expose yourself to new things and parents and teachers might not want to expose their kids to certain things that are important.Books can also help you understand important events in history and current events. A lot of these events are horrible, but if you banned these books, then that would mean you are not exposing kids to important events that have or are happening now in our world. Books can teach you a lot of information about events that have happened way before we were born that we want to know about. For example, a big event that happened in the Jewish culture was the Holocaust. It was a tragic event, but it is important we learn about this event as it affected many people and it informs us about Genocides. For example the book Night by Elie Wiesel was teaching us about the Holocaust. Elle …show more content…

In addition teachers also should not choose what 's students read as they may pick a book that does not intrigues or interest them. It also may be above their maturity level and could expand their vocabulary with new words, there parents don 't want them to know. For example, I had a teacher who gave us a book that we had to read that I didn 't enjoy. It didn 't fascinate me intrigue my interest and I felt bored when we were reading. Reading is something that kids should enjoy doing and teacher could pick a book that kids find boring, this would cause them to zone out, like I did when we had to read Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry but if you put a sports mystery in front of me I will finish it in a matter

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