National Honor Society Essays

  • National Honor Society

    1063 Words  | 5 Pages

    The National Honor Society, NHS, was officially started by the National Association of Secondary School Principals in 1921. It started in a Pittsburg high school, but quickly grew throughout the nation. NHS has maintained a long history of admitting exemplary students into the organization. NHS developed four main tenants that have helped guide the purpose, as Zeiger (n.d.) explained: "to create enthusiasm for scholarship; to stimulate a desire to render service; to promote leadership; and to develop

  • National Honor Society

    638 Words  | 3 Pages

    National Honor Society (NHS) is “the nation's premiere organization to recognize outstanding high school students.” NHS “honors students who have demonstrated excellence in scholarship, leadership, service and character.” Within my three years of high school I have began to develop these traits, and NHS can help me by expanding my leadership skills, enhancing my character, providing me more scholarship opportunities, and increasing my service hours. There are so many different factors that make

  • Goals For National Honor Society

    1038 Words  | 5 Pages

    National Honor Society is a reputable program to be invited to, and an honor to be accepted into. With the core values of excellent character, admirable service, exemplary leadership, and disciplined scholarship, the National Honor Society provides a group that shows the dedication and diligence of a collective student body. The opportunity of being admitted to the NHS is something that I hold in great regard, and I feel it necessary to prove what I can offer to the NHS, and how I would hope to do

  • Essay On Joining The National Honor Society

    767 Words  | 4 Pages

    It is a great honor to be considered for membership in the National Honor Society. Since I was a sophomore, my ambition was to study diligently to be amongst the highest students and to be accepted into this scholastic "hall of fame". Getting considered indicates that I have met my goal of exhibiting my thrive and willingness to assist people in my community, so becoming a part of this distinguished institution is a huge responsibility to which I will commit my whole attention. While my GPA demonstrates

  • Examples Of A Letter For National Honor Society

    1185 Words  | 5 Pages

    I'm writing to you today to tell you why I think I would be a great fit for the National Honor Society. I have always received honors and sometimes high honors throughout middle school, and now high school. Before I knew what the NHS was I didn’t know exactly how having good grades could benefit me. Now, I realize that the NHS is a great opportunity for me and my future. I’ve researched what the National Honor Society wants in its members, and I think I can offer exactly what they are looking for

  • National Honor Society Essay Examples

    1179 Words  | 5 Pages

    A member of the National Honor Society must demonstrate his/her commitment to academics as well as making an impact on the community surrounding them. A person who is able to successfully do both is someone who has qualities of leadership and scholarship, but also has a good character and chooses to help others without expecting anything in return. In all likelihood, I would be a good representative of the National Honor Society, because these are things I stand for and qualities I display in my

  • National Honor Society Application Essay

    530 Words  | 3 Pages

    I have been informed that I was not selected to be a member of the National Honor Society. I would like to respectfully disagree with this decision. Being in the National Honor Society means a lot to me, and I would first like to thank you for considering me as an applicant and for also taking this time to listen to my defense. The main problem with my application was a lack of community service. The bulk of my service hours comes from my position as a CIT at Pilgrim Day Camp, which did not qualify

  • National Honor Society Research Paper

    329 Words  | 2 Pages

    honored to be among the meritorious students who are being considered for the National Honor Society. I believe that this organization does great things in society, and that I can play a part in furthering the impact that it has made. The National Honor Society is known for recognizing students with outstanding grades and admirable characters. I choose challenging courses every year. For example, this semester I am taking Honors World History, Chorus 2, and AP Chemistry. Though I struggle in some of these

  • NHS Personal Statement For The National Honor Society

    325 Words  | 2 Pages

    into National Honor Society, I believe I can make a lasting positive impact on the organization. With my academic aptitude, strong work ethic, and positive attitude, I know I can greatly benefit both the society and others outside of the society. Firstly, as my academic record shows, I am extremely motivated to do well and achieve good grades. In addition, I tend to be a leader in group projects, which reflects my natural organization skills. I can apply all this to the National Honor Society by

  • Personal Statements For National Junior Honor Society

    694 Words  | 3 Pages

    National Junior Honors Society Essay By: Megan Pacchioli I am very excited by the opportunity to represent my school as a member of the National Junior Honors Society. Both in and out of school I support the Five Pillars of the NJHS, which are scholarship, service, citizenship, character, and leadership. I represent these five pillars by my grades and academic achievements in school, my dedication to my church, my dojo, and my soccer team. As well as taking part in my communities activities, being

  • National Honor Society Induction Speech

    733 Words  | 3 Pages

    Good morning, I welcome you all here today to the 2015 Science National Honor Society Induction Ceremony. I am honored to been asked to speak and to celebrate this wonderful occasion. I would like to congratulate to the students for being honored today for your achievements in leadership, community service, scholarship, character and your enthusiasm on science which are shown through hardwork and dedication that each of you has displayed. I would also like to congratulate to the parents and families

  • National Junior Honor Society Induction Speech Analysis

    915 Words  | 4 Pages

    Speech for NJHS Induction Ceremony Good evening students, faculty, and family members! Thank you, Mrs. Reece and Principal King, for inviting me to this year’s National Junior Honor Society induction ceremony. Students, tonight we honor your achievements in the areas of Scholarship, Citizenship, Responsibility, Community Service, Character, and Leadership as we recognize and celebrate the choices, and at times the sacrifices, you have made. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "The reward of a thing well

  • National Honor Society Essay Sample

    906 Words  | 4 Pages

    In addition to the grade point average of students, an individual should be respectable, intelligent, and mature to gain acceptance into National Honor Society. National Honor Society is a widely renowned group that only the top candidates should be admitted to, not just for academic achievement, but for being a genuinely good person. Not only do I believe that I portray these qualities, but I have much more to offer, therefore, I should be considered for admission. Scholarship can be shown in

  • Personal Statements Of The National Honor Society

    702 Words  | 3 Pages

    Service, leadership, character, and scholarship; these are the fundamentals that the National Honor Society has based themselves on. I, as a student at Forney high school, am going to try and live up to each of these standards in hopes of joining the NHS. My qualifications may be unique; however, I believe that I fit the requirements in order to become a member. Service, how have I served or can be of service. When it comes to the topic of service most think of community service or serving a table

  • National Art Honor Society Research Paper

    262 Words  | 2 Pages

    Of my many volunteer and paid extra-curricular activities, the most important to me is the National Art Honor Society, which extends artistic activities to my community. We organize two school events: the Festival of Trees and the Talent Competition. The Festival of Trees is an event when every school club can choose to donate and decorate a tree that we set up. All of the money raised goes to an organization of our choice. For the last 4 years, we have donated to Street Grace, which benefits the

  • National Honor Society

    439 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are many reasons I believe I should be inducted into National Honors Society. First, I maintain an A grade average. Second, I am a leader in my school and community. Third, I am very active with actives in and out of school. These are all great qualities to have. Maintaining good grades is very important to me. I study a couple of nights a week for quizzes and tests. If you don’t have decent grades you won’t get into college. Even now in high school you won’t be able to precipitate in clubs

  • National Honor Society

    1419 Words  | 6 Pages

    The National Honor Society (NHS) is a notoriously prestigious organization, and it is possibly one of the greatest honors a student can earn in their high school career. Becoming a member of the NHS can open many doors for students, including leadership experience and opportunities for college scholarships. Admission for this program is based on certain ideals. The criteria for admission-scholarship, service, character, and leadership-are four areas in which, at least I believe, I excel. Even when

  • NHS Social Media Chair Application Essay

    624 Words  | 3 Pages

    NHS Social Media Chair Application, 741646 The National Honors Society has been the true mark of student achievement for over a century. The framework of NHS, the four pillars: scholarship, service, leadership, and character, brings a culture like no other of the best students in the school, and I'm personally so proud to say I'm an NHS member. I have upheld these pillars throughout my life through volunteer work with schools across CFISD and my community, and I hope to help others learn of these

  • Nu ZETA: Honors In Action Project

    302 Words  | 2 Pages

    Theta Kappa I participated in the Honors in Action project in which my group and I decided to focus on the effects of the trash that littered our beaches. Through the use of databases, we researched the effects and composed an essay as well as a pamphlet to distribute to individuals near the beach and at the SCF campus. In addition to bringing awareness we had a service event where we cleaned up the beaches. This award signifies all that was done throughout the Honors in Action project. ambassador

  • Purpose Of National Honor Society

    349 Words  | 2 Pages

    be considered to for the National Honor Society. I have the qualities to perform any and all task requested of me. I work well with my fellow student body. I have the traits and characteristics that exemplifies what is means to be a productive member of the National Honor Society. The Purpose of National Honor Society is to promote good leadership, create scholarships, to create enthusiasm for scholarship, and to stimulate a desire to render service. National Honor Society recognizes students who