Summative assessment Essays

  • Summative Assessment

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    According to Moss (2012, p. 235), “assessment is a process of collecting and interpreting evidence of student progress to inform reasoned judgments about what a student or group of students knows relative to the identified learning goals” and the process by which the assessment is carried out solely depends on the purpose of the assessment. In order to carry out a quality assessment, Clarke (2014) states that five key points must be considered when constructing an assessment and include clear purpose, clear

  • Reflective Summative Assessments

    578 Words  | 3 Pages

    After, reviewing all of the summative assessments I realized that a lot of the preservice teachers struggled with the matching questions. They mostly got the vocabulary and language development level and the meaning-based context and themes level confused. This made was not completely surprising since the descriptions were similar. Concerning the essay prompt all of the preservice teachers were able to identify that there are 5 acquisition levels and explain at least how one of the six key strategies

  • Unit 3 Assignment 1 Summative Assessment

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    I chose 3 lessons from the unit that will demonstrate an array of different learning targets that build on each other and that students will have to accomplish in this unit This will lead to assist them in their summative assessment. The summative assessment (see handout--) will ask students to create a claim and defend their argument. In lesson 1 students discuss the essential question along with their journal entries responses and questions that they asked in their journals (see journal rubric)

  • In The Summative Assessment Was Used In The Formative, By Mr. Bradbury

    400 Words  | 2 Pages

    The formative assessment used in this lesson was when Mr. Bradbury called out a number and students had to react. If students were not paying attention then they would miss out on getting a point for their team. The summative assessment was the journal write at the end of the lesson. Students had to recall one thing that they learned from the lesson. Mr. Bradbury had so much energy during the entire lesson. There was a time in the lesson where Mr. Bradbury would yell out “grab that bacon!” or “doesn’t

  • Summative Assessment In Research

    978 Words  | 4 Pages

    2.2.1. Definition of ‘assessment’ There has been much work on defining what assessment is. Many researchers such as Black and William, Bachman, Huhta or Berry have proposed the definitions of assessment. Black and William (1998) hold the view that “teachers should see assessment as a tool to promote greater student achievement in the classroom context” (page 49). In this sense, assessment is a part of the teaching and learning process and is taken to support learning. Similarly, Bachman (2004) defined

  • Disadvantages Of Summative Assessment

    1102 Words  | 5 Pages

    Assessment: "We plan. We develop. We deliver. We assess and evaluate the results of the assessment. We revise, deliver the revised material, and assess and evaluate again. Perfection is always just out of reach; but continually striving for perfection contributes to keeping both our instruction fresh and our interest in teaching piqued." (E.S. Grassian) A research was conducted by the observer in his/her placement school to identify the link between assessment and learning and why do we

  • Summative Assessment Case Study

    1673 Words  | 7 Pages

    formative and summative assessment. • From a contemporary perspective, describe formative and summative assessment. When responding to these prompts, make sure to elaborate on all of the characteristics of summative and formative assessments. Additionally, in the description from both perspectives, describe which characteristics summative and formative assessments share (if any) and what characteristics make summative and formative assessments unique from one another. How formative and summative assessments

  • Summative Assessment Report

    1337 Words  | 6 Pages

    test is a summative assessment to be administered as an end of topic test in a mainstream year nine mathematics classroom. Propose of this assessment is to ascertain whether students have understood the key concepts of measurement in year 9, thus complying with the curriculum guidelines listed below (Brady & Kennedy, 2011). However, this test is not limited to a year nine class, it can be used for as a summative assessment for an accelerated year eight class or as a diagnostic assessment for a year

  • Summative Assessment Final Response

    999 Words  | 4 Pages

    Summative Assessment Final Response The poem “Winter” makes you feel that winter is not just a season but it makes you realize the effects that winter has on everything around you. However we often forget to see the little things that change when our seasons change, and we ignore the beauty of what the season change creates in our world. Throughout the poem, the author uses personification and visual representations to develop a theme and give it notice. The author uses personification to develop

  • Summative Assessment: 'Under The Wire'

    1456 Words  | 6 Pages

    Summative Assessment: Prompts Respond to each prompt in a Google Doc. You will be handling this task in through Remember to be specific, clear and detail oriented. Use the formative feedback as a guide to better your writing. Identify a theme in the story. How does the author use symbolism and imagery to establish his message? A topic in “Under the wire” is friendship. The theme that is established is one does not need to know how to speak to make friends. Sometimes one’s action

  • Nursing And Identify Factors Influencing Readiness For The Profession

    1063 Words  | 5 Pages

    Literature Review The purpose of this literature review is to garner information about nursing student’s perception of nursing and identify factors influencing readiness for the profession. Perception as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary (2010) is characterized by ones awareness and understanding of sensory information attained through interaction between past experiences and one’s own culture and interpretation of the perceived. Nursing students’ perception of nursing has been influenced

  • Julia Ayad Running Record

    1053 Words  | 5 Pages

    for assessment to complete running records. The teacher can also assess the student by using a regular book instead of a benchmark book. The purpose of using a running record is to help the teacher obtain information about the students’ reading strategies. The running record also tells us if the student is able to correct themselves, their accuracy rate, and their error rate while reading the passage. Running records are also helpful to notice progress in the students reading. This assessment also

  • Exploratory Essay

    813 Words  | 4 Pages

    \newpage \section{Definition} \subsection{Assessment} is a process of continual gathering of valid, fair and reliable information about the performance of the learners against clearly defined criteria, using a variety of methods, tools, techniques and context (Tutorial Letter 501/3/2016, p. 9). Assessment is the gathering of information about the performance of the learner, which is used as an evidence to supply if the learner is understanding the content of the subject, or if the learner is competent

  • MYP Year 2 Science Summative Assessment: Radioisotope

    444 Words  | 2 Pages

    mYP Year 2 Science Summative Assessment UNIT: ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND THE PERIODIC TABLE Sarah Wulff Khan 7A Radioisotopes What is an isotope? Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have a different number of neutrons but the same number of protons and electrons What is radioactive? Emitting (produce and discharge) (something, especially gas or radiation).or relating to the emission (the production and discharge of something) of ionizing radiation or

  • Summary: The Importance Of Testing In An Educational Settings

    2340 Words  | 10 Pages

    In an educational settings, tests are usually considered method of assessment. Testing is a powerful means of improving learning and not just assessing it. Students takes test to assess whatever they have learned, tests like SAT, CAT etc. Various type of tests are conducted in order to assess students knowledge. More often the students takes test in class, they will study more and will space their studying throughout the semester rather than concentrating it just before exams. Test has a powerful

  • What Are The Key Features Of A Formative Assessment

    938 Words  | 4 Pages

    There are positive and negative features to both types of assessment methods, formative and summative. When considering formative assessments can be seen as positive because it allows practitioners to monitor children’s progress throughout their academic journey rather than focusing on a key time in a child’s life, it is also helpful when planning the next steps throughout their journey as their assessment can be tracked showing preferred ways of learning and interests which are helpful when planning

  • The Pros And Cons Of Norm-Referenced Tests

    765 Words  | 4 Pages

    created or published evaluations, if they are published they are not usually researched to the level of norm-referenced tests. Also, these tests are used to determine how much of the content being taught the students are understanding. So, this assessment is at a more detailed level than norm-referenced testing. These tests can be used for social and behavioral skills as well as academic. The norm-referenced tests are for academic

  • Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Words Analysis

    516 Words  | 3 Pages

    of Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Words and the incorporation of the concept of informational text. This lesson will reinforce the students’ comprehension and recognition of the Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Words through generalization and repetition. The pre-assessment of the Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Words will record each student’s level of mastery. Activities throughout this lesson segment will reinforce the Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Words in fun multimodal means while providing differentiation based on student needs

  • Implement To Foster Furthering The Memory Process For Each Memory Storehouse

    951 Words  | 4 Pages

    DQ 1 Discuss 2 applications that a classroom teacher can implement to foster furthering the memory process for each memory storehouse.  This is a critical thinking question based upon the specific criteria for each memory storehouse. Think about each storehouse and how it functions to develop the classroom applications. This is connected to factual points.... use facts with your applications here and cite them For my discussion question, I have chosen to research an article on different strategies

  • Differentiated Learning Assessment Strategies

    1667 Words  | 7 Pages

    Assessment Strategies for Differentiated Learning 1. Differentiated Learning Differentiated learning is a technique that used in some classrooms that caters to the individual needs of each student. Teachers use several types of activities and methods in order to teach their classroom. Differentiated instruction gives students options on how to take in information, and ideas. Additionally, it can help them to show the teacher what they have learned in other ways instead of just taking a test.