The Maze Runner Essays

  • James Dashner's The Maze Runner

    434 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Maze Runner is the first book in the dystopian trilogy written by James Dashner. The book is about a boy that wakes up in a elevator with out any memory of what happened to him. The only thing he knows is his name which is Thomas. When he enters the glades there is a bunch of other boys with no memory of how they got there either. The glade was ran by Alby and Newt who make up all the rules and keep the boys busy by getting them food and supplies.

  • Thomas In James Dashner's The Maze Runner

    1904 Words  | 8 Pages

    Imagine being trapped, between cold, hard metal walls. Not knowing where you are or why you’re there. The only thing you remember is your name. You’re risen in an elevator type machine to a village, called the glade, ran by people you don’t know. They too don't know where they are or why they're they're

  • Maze Runner Setting

    1511 Words  | 7 Pages

    The Maze Runner By: Naomi Drake 10/5/15 Introduction: For this book report, I read The Maze Runner. This book was written by James Dashner and published on October 6, 2009. The genre of this story is Post-Apocalyptic Fiction, and takes place in a mysterious setting.

  • Maze Runner Outline

    912 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Maze Runner James Dashner Introduction: The Maze Runner is a book full of adventure that will take you to a ride. The author of The Maze Runner is James Dashner. The book was a three year journey –Dashner. If I had to describe the content in the book in three words then I would say cryptic, pulse-pounding and adventure.

  • Hero In The Maze Runner

    722 Words  | 3 Pages

    Heroes Essay “Being brave means to know something is scary, difficult, and dangerous, and doing it anyway, because the possibility of winning the fight is worth the chance of losing it,” These wise words by Emilie Autumn expresses what a hero is really made out of and that anyone can be a hero. The movie Moana tells a story of a young girl who is destined to save the world by restoring the stolen heart of the monster Te Ka. Along the way, she meets a demigod named Maui, and she works together with him to stop the darkness. The Maze Runner is set in a dystopian future where Thomas, the main character, gets stuck in a maze with lots of other people. The maze is constantly changing and the doors to the maze close at night which leaves the grievers (monsters of the maze) to come out and kill whoever got left behind in the maze.

  • Essay On The Maze Runner

    980 Words  | 4 Pages

    Maze Runner is from what i thought of this book is actually i thought about a person who can escape in any maze that they have to survive in. Any difficult , confusing , tricky maze challenges that this man can handle by himself. And the title of this book itself already makes me interested to read the book. I expected that each man to have some special ability of its own that would be really cool.

  • Comparison Of Stray And The Maze Runner

    320 Words  | 2 Pages

    It might seem like “Stray” and “The Maze Runner” are two very different books, because one is about a girl who’s dog has to be taken away, and one is about a boy who is locked up in a maze, but once you look closer you can tell that both stories have a bit in common. In these stories, The characters realize you have to be brave to make it through tough times. First of all, in “Stray”, Doris has to stay brave. Doris doesn’t get to keep her dog so they have to bring it to the pound. She had to stay brave and that was really hard because she always wanted a dog and it just walked out of her reach.

  • Maze Runner Descriptive Writing

    286 Words  | 2 Pages

    As I jogged down the never ending sea of golden sand, I finally reach the shore and smell the fresh ocean breeze. I see the glistening ocean water, and hear the waves swaying on the water, and feel the radiant sun on my neck. When I decided to go swim, the burning sand made me sprint. So I don’t burn my feet, then accidentally fell into the surprisingly cold water, and I tasted the salty ocean water that tasted worse than tater tot hot dish.

  • The Maze Runner Research Paper

    369 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Maze Runner Party One of the things I am most thankful for is The Maze Runner. Since I am thankful for The Maze Runner, I will be having a party for The Maze Runner. I am thankful for The Maze Runner because it is a great book and a great movie. At my party, there will be some music. The music will be music that is fun and rebellious.

  • Symbolism In The Maze Runner

    1019 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Maze Runner by Patrick Ness takes place in a large, open space which is surrounded by extremely tall walls called the Glade. Within these walls is a maze that the boys from the Glade have to solve in order to escape. Boys are sent up monthly through an elevator with no memories of how they got there. When Thomas arrives, everything starts to go wrong; from the walls not closing at night to the first ever girl coming. The boys are forced to escape quickly or die.

  • Thesis For The Maze Runner

    1522 Words  | 7 Pages

    The Maze Runner “If You Ain’t Scared… You Ain't Human” (Dashner) The Maze Runner books as you may all of as a science-fiction novel, is a thrilling series with twists and turns throughout the whole story with a mastermind plot and climax written by James Dashner, but have you ever taken the time to think about what makes the books and movies so thrilling? In this essay, I will try to convince you to read the books and watch the movies made by this incredible author. To start off I would like to point out the excellent plot line that James Dashner provides us with all of his inspiring books. The books written by James Dashner have been famous for many years.

  • Personal Narrative: The Maze Runner

    703 Words  | 3 Pages

    This year was my last year of cross country. I practice every day and two years ago, I got injured. I got injured by twisting my leg on the sidewalk pavement. I was running from Indian Ridge back to Senior that day. So I had to do physical therapy and stretch out my legs.

  • Compare And Contrast The Hero's Journey In The Maze Runner

    932 Words  | 4 Pages

    The hero 's journey is an ancient story pattern that can be found in books from thousands of years ago or in just released Hollywood movies. Most stories follow the exact same pattern over and over again, but with different characters, scenes, settings and themes. Relatively new books like The Ender Games, The Hunger Games, The Hobbit or even Harry Potter, all follow the same pattern, but we can also find the hero 's journey in older books such as Alice In Wonderland or in The Wizard of Oz. The hero 's journey is divided into 10 different steps. This essay is going to analyze the hero 's journey in one of the most known books in the world, “The Maze Runner.”

  • The Maze Runner Rhetorical Analysis

    701 Words  | 3 Pages

    The unknown not knowing where you are, how you got there or the purpose of being there. The Maze Runner written by James Dashner, is a fictional novel based in the future. Dashner uses many literary devices to help portray his imaginative story, and paint a picture in the reader’s head. The characters are described in great detail and the reader can quickly imagine their personalities and appearance. The theme used is very basic but, is fully expressed throughout the book.

  • Thesis Essay On The Maze Runner

    856 Words  | 4 Pages

    Running the Maze Imagine being trapped inside of a place with no memory of how you got there and the only way to get out was through a maze. James Dashner’s young adult, science fiction novel, The Maze Runner is about just that. There were a brunch of themes in the novel but the most important ones were maintaining rules and orders, making sacrifices, never giving up, and manipulation, even though something may look simple it might be harder than it seems. All these themes were practiced by Thomas and other Gladers in the Glade. Dashner also wrote the sequels to the Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials and Death Cure.

  • Comparing The Maze Runner And The Sorcerer's Stone

    294 Words  | 2 Pages

    The three novels that are possibilities for writing about for the final paper are The Maze Runner by James Dashner, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling, and Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Out of all the books I have read over the years, these three are ones that kept me guessing on what would happen in the end. The purpose of the final paper is to convey the popularity of the book and the influence that the work has had on culture. While each book is different there is a common challenge.

  • The Maze Runner Argumentative Essay

    387 Words  | 2 Pages

    You’re 16 years old and you wake up in a metal box remembering nothing but your name, what do you do? While most of us would shrivel up and cry Thomas, the centerpiece of the novel The Maze Runner written by James Dashner, gets up and fights to find a way out until doors open above him and sunlight blinds him. He then enters a farm-like area called The Glade and a responsibility he isn 't aware of yet hanging is hanging in the balance. When one thinks “world saver” they dont see this weight being put onto,not only a child, but a child who doesn 't remember how,where,why, or when he is.

  • The Maze Runner Conservatism Analysis

    434 Words  | 2 Pages

    Stick to what is safe or take risks? This is a decision that people are forced to make constantly. In the Maze Runner, the people had to decide to either stay in the glade or go through the maze in hopes of escaping. In the story, Gally, one of the main authority figures, believes it is best to stay in the glade where it is safe. Gally represents conservatism, he shows how adhering to old ideas can benefit and hurt society.

  • Symbolic Elements In Lord Of The Flies And The Maze Runner

    1202 Words  | 5 Pages

    One World, Two Stories Often in works of literature, there are parallels between symbolic elements in two different pieces of work. Throughout the novel, Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, and the film, The Maze Runner, produced by Ellen Goldsmith-Vein, many symbolic elements were shared in many different instances. The symbolic elements are shared at the setting of the plots. In Lord of the Flies, the main character, Ralph, arrives on an uninhabited island. The island possesses three main settings, the beach, the jungle and the mountain.

  • The Maze Runner: Literary Analysis

    178 Words  | 1 Pages

    Unbroken reminds me of The Maze Runner because both main protagonists need to have perseverance and accomplishing a certain task against all odds. In The Maze Runner, the protagonist, Thomas, gets stuck inside the maze and has to survive all night against the grievers, similar to how Louie has to survive for weeks in the ocean against the sharks. Both characters are believed to be dead due to the seemingly impossible task of survival. Thomas has to find a way to the end of the maze to escape, while Louie needs to find land to have any hope of survival. Another book similar to Unbroken is the book Night by Elie Wiesel.