ipl Learning HTML

Safety and the Web

The idea of making your very own webpage and putting it on a server for everybody in the world to see is pretty cool. However, you need to be careful about what kind of information that you put on the web. You should never give out identifying information such as your full name, your home address, your school name, or even your telephone number.

Please take the time and read about the various safety tips about not only making webpages, but also about surfing the web…

"Join Disney characters for adventure, fun, and online awareness tips."

Don’t Let the Web Catch You
"This ThinkQuest site was developed by elementary school students to help other students learn how to be safe on the Internet."

Kids Safety on the Internet
Straight out of the Police Notebook!

Safety Tips for Kids on the Internet from the FBI

This resource originally created by Deborah Dunk.
Revised and edited by Michael Galloway in 2005 & in 2006.