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Ray Bradbury (1920 – )
Nationality: American | Periods: American: 20th Century |
Known mostly for his science fiction and fantasy novels and stories.
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Criticism about Ray Bradbury
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Biographical sites about Ray Bradbury
- Ray Bradbury
- This official web site for Bradybury features an “About Ray Bradbury” section which includes a biography, chronology, and articles/press info about Bradbury. The site also includes information on his books, and message boards.
- Contains: Sketch, Timeline, Pictures, Interview, Works List
- Author: Harper Collins
- Keywords:
Other sites about Ray Bradbury
- Ray Bradbury is on fire!
- Information on the author’s popularity in Hollywood, as well as interview with the author.
- Contains: Interview, Sketch
- Author: James Hibberd
- From: Aug. 29, 2001
- Keywords:
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Ray Bradbury‘s works online
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Univ. of Va.’s eBook Library |
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Ray Bradbury on the About network:
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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013