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British: 19th Century
Sites about British: 19th Century literature:
- Anglo-Irish Literature
- This lengthy analysis of Irish Victorian era literature includes sections on “Gaelic and Classical Literature”, “Irish influence on English Literature”, “National Folk-ballads and other writings”, “Patrick Kennedy”, and “Women writers.”
- Contains: Historical Context, Content Analysis, Bibliography
- Author: Alfred Perceval Graves
- From: The Cambridge History of English and American Literature Volume XIII: English, The Victorian Age, Part Two,The Nineteenth Century, III
- Keywords:
- Elegant Jeremiahs: The Sage from Carlyle to Mailer
- “Recognizing the specific elements of Old Testament prophecy that the Victorian sages drew upon helps define the genre they created, and such definition is a crucial step in understanding this major strain in Anglo-American nonfiction. Indeed, one of the most useful approaches to the Victorian sage begins in the recognition that his writings and those of his modem heirs form a clearly identifiable genre, the definition of which offers readers crucial assistance since genre determines the rules by which one reads, interprets, and experiences individual works of literature.”
- Contains: Historical Context
- Author: George P. Landow
- From: The Victorian Web Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986
- Keywords:
- English-Canadian Literature
- This lengthy analysis of Canadian Victorian era literature includes sections on Haliburton, Isabella Valancy Crawford, Archibald Lampman, William Henry Drummond , Lesser Poets, Historians, and Novelists.
- Contains: Historical Context, Content Analysis, Bibliography
- Author: Pelham Edgar
- From: The Cambridge History of English and American Literature Volume XIII: English, The Victorian Age, Part Two,The Nineteenth Century, III
- Keywords:
- English, Scottish, and Irish Literature 1800-1899
- “Articles about British and American authors do exist on the web. You can read good criticism of novels, poetry, plays, online and for free. But there are plenty of sites that are a waste of time, too. Use our guide to find the worthwhile articles and skip the web sites where someone just retyped their favorite poem.”
- Author: Jan Pridmore
- Keywords:
- Frail Treasures: Child Death and the Victorian Novel
- “Nowhere is the Victorian novelists’ desire to strengthen resolve more keenly felt than when they deal with early death. [….] This is the point at which the Romantic ideal of the innocent child, and the Evangelical ideal of the saved child as a spiritual guide, reinforce each other. However, the novelists rarely adopt either the visionary modes of Romantic poetry or the saccharine iconography of the tract: the novel form which they inherited offers its own unique opportunities for stressing the value of childhood, and exploring [in a positive way] the last phase of a child character’s earthly consciousness.”
- Contains: Historical Context,
- Author: Jacqueline Banerjee
- From: Through the Northern Gate: Childhood and Growing Up in British Fiction, 1719-1901 Chapter 4; New York: Peter Lang, 1996
- Keywords: death, children
- Molland’s
- An online community of Jane Austen fans help maintain this website devoted to the author. Contains public domain works on and by Austen as well as a list of links to external resources for more information. Also has an online forum.
- Author: Molland’s
- Keywords:
- Access Restrictions:
- Nineteenth-Century Drama
- This lengthy analysis of English 19th century drama includes sections on “The drama a popular amusement in the nineteenth century “, Richard Lalor Sheil , J. Westland Marston , Dion Boucicault, Douglas Jerrold, and W. S. Gilbert.
- Contains: Historical Context, Content Analysis, Bibliography
- Author: Harold Child
- From: The Cambridge History of English and American Literature Volume XIII: English, The Victorian Age, Part One,The Nineteenth Century, III
- Keywords:
- The Pre-Raphaelite Critic
- “The critical opinion about the Pre-Rapahelites’ output was often scathing, often laudatory, but always good reading. I have compiled an index of nearly all (I won’t claim this index is definitive–merely very, very close to it) of the magazine and newspaper articles mentioning thePre-Raphaelites between 1849 and 1900.”
- Contains: Bibliography
- Author: Thomas J. Tobin
- Keywords:
- Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net
- “Romanticism On the Net is a Peer-reviewed, Electronic Journal devoted to Romantic and Victorian studies. This quarterly journal is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography. “
- Contains: Historical Context, Content Analysis,
- Author: Michael Eberle Sinatra
- Keywords:
- Romanticism On the Net
- “Romanticism On the Net is a Peer-reviewed, Electronic Journal devoted to Romantic studies. This quarterly journal is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography.” This journal has the full text of its articles on line.
- Contains: Historical Context, Content Analysis, Character Analysis
- Keywords:
- Scottish Authors
- This site provides biographical information and links for Scottish authors born since 1320, with a lot of emphasis on the period between 1700 and 1900.
- Author: SLAINTE – Scottlish Libraries Across the INTErnet
- From: Discovering Scottish Writers Scottish Library Association
- Keywords:
- Victorian Suicide: Mad Crimes and Sad Histories
- Examines the social role of suicide in Victorian England and its reflection in the literary works of that time.
- Contains: Historical Context
- Author: Barbara T. Gates
- From: The Victorian Web Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1988
- Keywords:
- Victorian Web
- This extensive site contains a plethora of well-written undergraduate student essays on Victorian literature as well as the cultural and political situations that influenced it.
- Contains: Historical Context, Content Analysis, Bibliography
- Author: George Landow
- From: Victorian Web
- Keywords:
- The Vital Science: Biology and the Literary Imagination, 1860-1900
- “The argument of this book is that in late Victorian England a group ofnovelists and essayists quite consciously sought and found ideas inpost-Darwinian biology that were peculiarly susceptible to imaginativetransformation. The period 1860-1900 was a time of great confusion in biology; the natural selection hypothesis was in retreat before its acute critics, and no extension of evolutionary theory to human affairs was too bizarre to attract its quota of enthusiasts. Writers capitalised on this prevailing uncertainty and used it to their own artistic or polemic ends.”
- Contains: Historical Context,
- Author: Morton, Peter
- From: Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1984
- Keywords: Darwin, Biology, Social Darwinism
- WHAT’S A GUINEA? Money and Coinage in Victorian and 20th Century Britain
- This site explains the curious monetary system of pre-1968 Britain. Find here the relationships between pence, shillings, pounds, florins, sovreigns, crowns, half-crowns and guineas.
- Contains: Historical Context,
- Author: Paul Lewis
- Keywords:
Authors in British: 19th Century literature:
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Last Updated Mar 25, 2014