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Sites about The Bostonians; a novel

by Henry James, Jr.

Satirical novel about Boston society and a feminist who becomes fascinated with a beautiful girl.

Characters: Olive Chancellor, Verena Tarrant, Basil Ransom
Keywords: lesbianism, feminism, women’s rights

Critical sites about The Bostonians; a novel

The Bostonians, by Henry James
“It might be supposed, at first glance, that Mr. James in The Bostonians was not going to let us off, but intended to drag us with him into the labyrinth of the woman question. Nothing could be more unjust. Mr. James, with the quick instinct of an artist, saw his opportunity in the strange contrasts presented by a phase of Boston life which is usually taken too seriously for purposes of fiction. “
Contains: Review
Author: Scudder, Horace Elisha
From: The Atlantic Monthly June, 1886
Keywords: contemporary review

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013