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Sites about The Decameron

by Giovanni Boccaccio

A collection of 100 tales, told by a group of young nobles hiding from the Plague outside Florence, Italy.

Critical sites about The Decameron

Bibliography of the Decameron Web
An extensive group of bibliographies, including an overall one for the Decameron Web; suggested readings in English and Italian; a structured English-language bibliography broken down by topic and “day” of the storytelling; and a useful breakdown of the motif-index codes for each of the tales.
Contains: Bibliography
The Decameron Web
A site containing a wealth of information, both contextual and specific to the work, on Boccaccio’s Decameron. Includes material on the period’s cultural life, society, religion, history, and, of course, the Plague. Also offers a lengthy bibliography of sources, the full and searchable text of the Decameron, essays on the work itself, and a chronology of the author’s life.
Contains: Historical Context, Plot Summary, Character Analysis, Content Analysis, Bibliography
Decameron: The Brigata
This portion of the Decameron Web contains specific sections on each of the storytellers. Some sections include: descriptions of the tellers; summaries of each tale a particular person tells; essays on the content of specific tales or their tellers; and links to the full text of a teller’s tales.
Contains: Character Analysis, Content Analysis, Plot Summary

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013