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Sites about Despair

by Vladimir Nabokov

Critical sites about Despair

The Caning of Modernist Profaners: Parody in Despair
“Numerous critics have noted that Despair is the first major work by Nabokov in which the author resorts to intertextual strategies and stratagems–to literary parody, disguised polemic, cunning play with several superimposed subtexts, and so on. “Behind Despair stands a nexus of allusions so dense, so rich, that progressing through their labyrinth would require another Holmes,” wrote William C. Carroll1 in a pioneering article that tracks some very important routes inside this labyrinth leading to Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Oscar Wilde, and Conan Doyle.”
Contains: Content Analysis
Author: Alexander Dolinin

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013