Native American Authors
Mary Tall Mountain
, 1918-1994
Mary Tall Mountain was born in Nulato, Alaska, one hundred miles south of the Artic Circle. Tall Mountain lost her mother at an early age, in addition to her brother, and step parents. Tall Mountain’s career included legal secretary work in Reno, Nevada where she developed a strong interest in the Roman Catholic religion. Tall Mountain incorporated her Christian faith, Native spirituality and Athabascan heritage into her writings. A foundation called the TallMountain Circle oversees the annual TallMountain Awards and works to preserve and distribute her work.
Awards and Honors
Pushcart Prize, 1982-83
Online resources by or about Mary Tall Mountain:
Brief Biography of Mary TallMountain
Author: Ben Clarke
Type: authorbio
Description: Contains a brief biography of TallMountain with a photograph.
Comprehensive Bibliography of TallMountain’s published work
Author: Ben Clarke
Type: authorbio
Description: A very comprehensive bibliography
Index to the TallMountain Circle website
Author: Ben Clarke
Type: authorbio
Description: This site belongs to the TallMountain Circle foundation, which works to distribute and preserve Mary TallMountain’s work.
It includes a brief biography, bibliography and information on the TallMountain award and the foundation.
List of TallMountain Circle titles currently in print
Author: Ben Clarke
Type: authorbio
Description: A list of Mary TallMountain’s works that are currently in print. There is also a link found at the “TallMountain Circle” link at the top of this page which leads to a complete bibliography of Mary TallMountain’s Published Work.
URL: http://www.freedomvoices.org/titles.htm#mtm
Books by Mary Tall Mountain:
Tall Mountain, Mary. Continuum
Tall Mountain, Mary. Green March Moons
Audience: Adult
Tall Mountain, Mary. Haiku and Other Poetic Forms
Tall Mountain, Mary. The light on the tent wall
Tall Mountain, Mary. Listen to the Night, Poems to the Animal Spirits of Mother Earth
San Francisco, CA : Freedom Voices, 1995.
Genre: Poetry
ISBN: 0962515361
Tall Mountain, Mary. Matrilineal cycle
Oakland, CA : Red Star Black Rose Printing, 1990.
Genre: Poetry
Tall Mountain, Mary. A quick brush of wings
San Francisco : Freedom Voices Publications, 1994.
Genre: Poetry
ISBN: 0962515310
Tall Mountain, Mary. There is no word for goodbye
Marvin, S.D. : Blue Cloud Press.
Genre: Poetry
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