ipl Pueblo Pottery Gallery

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The generosity of Mr. Larry Frank, the author of Historic Pottery of the Pueblo Indians, 1600-1880 , is gratefully acknowledged. He allowed me to use his glossary, several photos and descriptions, and other elements of his book. He also generously donated his time by discussing this project with me. Finally, he has agreed to go over this site to verify its accuracy. Without his help, this site would not have been possible.
I also wish to thank my Father, Anthony Ringold, for all of his help with this project. In addition to inspiring my interest in pottery, Dad sent me several very useful books for this project. He discussed the project extensively with me, and has allowed me to use photographs of his personal collection. This assistance is most gratefully acknowledged.
My Mother, Francine Ringold, has also discussed this project with me for hours, sent me Museum catalogs, poetry and books, and has been an inspiration. Thanks Mom!
Finally I wish to thank the Smithsonian Institution, The Maxwell Museum and The Yale University Press for allowing use of their copyrighted materials.
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