Authentic Organizational Culture

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Turnover intention is classified as an individual’s behavioral intention to leave the 0rganization (Mobley et al; 1979). The relationship between turnover and 0rganizational performance has previously been examined, highlighting the human resources cost associated with the recruitment, training and development of new employees to replace the employees who voluntarily quit the 0rganization (Hancock et al., 2013: Holton et al., 2008). In fact, the economic costs of turnover represent between 150 and 250 percent of the employee’s annual salary (Mello, 2011). Employee’s recruitment, their training costs, job satisfaction, and customer perception of lower service quality have been directly related to turnover intention of the employees.

Authentic …show more content…

Following Hurely and Hult (1998), we characterize 0rganizational culture along the dimensions of, achieving goals, coordinating teamwork, and building a strong culture. All 0rganizations must achieve some goals and aims for it and for the employees. Having a clear focus on goals has been proven repeatedly to have a very strong relationship to actual success and accomplishment. Goal realization is also facilitated when the goals of the 0rganization’s members are “in line” or aligned with one another and with the overall goals of the 0rganization. However, long term 0rganizational existence depends on how well the efforts of individuals and groups within the 0rganization are tied together, in line and sequenced so that people work efforts fit together effectively. Moreover, a strong 0rganizational culture provides greater stability of 0rganizational working. As such, an imitation of these findings, the following hypothesize was developed:

Organizational culture is fundamentally “a pattern of basic assumptions that a group has invented, revealed, or developed in learning to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal assimilation (Schein, 1983, p.14). Leaders facilitate the achievement of goals that otherwise may not have been attempted and support the need for change (Rousseau, 1996;Schein, 1985; Trice & Beyer, 1993) and therefore, they may be the …show more content…

Human Resource Development and related fields have explored turnover and turnover intention in association with job satisfaction, 0rganizational commitment, intellect, governmental policies, and rates of unemployment (Hatcher, 1999; Sturman et al., 2003). Job satisfaction has been found to have a negative relationship to turnover intention (Muchinsky & Morrow, 1980; Trevor, 2001). The relationship between turnover intention, dedication, and satisfaction have been supported in several additional studies (Bluedorn, 1982; Hollenbeck & Williams, 1986; Tett & Meyer,

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