Why Study History Essay

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10 Reasons Why You Should Study the Humanities ( Philosophy / History) So, History and Philosophy it is. The most boring and ruthless subjects the world ever created. 1. It teaches you about Where We Came From. As the old saying goes “Until you know where we came from, you can't know where we are today and more importantly, where we are going to be in the future”. Once you start studying History, Sociology or Philosophy you get to know about how our thoughts got refined with the passage of time. How stigmas and social dogmas began to form and dictate the spheres of our everyday life. Once you start studying these you come to know that you are not yourself. The society Is not a product of itself. Instead we and the society as a whole are …show more content…

Perhaps by teaching you lessons that you couldn't learn through any thing else. As a wise person once put “Humans learn from Mistakes. But they don't necessarily have to be yours.” That's the essence of studying History. Once you learn even some of the basic events as well as some of the famous as well as un-famous personalities in History, you get to know what made them famous or non-famous. By studying history, one can learn about the mistakes or perhaps successful tactics that changed the fates of nation, and in essence you can apply these lessons to your own …show more content…

Humanities are interesting, including History, Philosophy and Sociology. You just have to see it from the right perspective. History teaches us about real life. It teaches us about real events that happened, great people that lived. (Including Captain Barbarossa, the inspiration for the caption in Pirates of the Carribean), Abraham Lincoln among many others. Ain't that interesting ? It is. Same for sociology, it teaches us how the society functions. How it works. The different measures it depends upon, and how one society differs from other. Pretty interesting if you ask me. As for philosophy, just search “Philosophical Paradoxes” and you will be able to find out the amazing questions we work with in Philosophy that even the courts can't

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