12 Dimensions Of Culture

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The 12 dimensions of culture provide a snapshot of a specific person at that moment in time and have proven to be a big asset for people who want to pursue global competence. They can change with time and they can differ according to environment. They are not the same as personality and character. They give you the ability and skill to accurately analyze the human terrain around you from cultural perspective, so that you can make more intelligent decisions about the intercultural complexities you face every day. However, there are 4 most important of 12 dimensions which are decision making, context, destiny and planning.

Firstly, the Decision Making is one of the most dimensions of cultural that is a significant dimension, governed by two …show more content…

Context is dimension shows up everywhere and the most difficult thing about it is precisely the fact that it is unwritten. The unwritten rules of what is or isn’t appropriate in a given situation.The 12 Dimensions of Cultural Mapping Inventory measures your personal context along two lines, which we call 'Formal ' and 'Informal '. A formal style means that people tend to: Dress and address people formally, Use titles Mr, Mrs and Dr or Clear rules of status. Formal context can also be Strong sense of protocol and respect, there is a right and a wrong way to approach and address people and issues or sometimes corporate position does not decide seniority – tribal position more important. Compering with informal context settings have few rules, and the steps to engage and rules that decide interaction are not as important or for instance have very few protocols anyone can talk to anyone and very informal …show more content…

However, planning is one of the strong dimensions in time orientation of 12 dimensions in cultural because this dimension depend on time Oriented and people Oriented also this mean How do you plan, and what is at the canter of your priorities when it comes to planning for time or people? One of the most difficult things to learn is that, if you live in an environment where both time-oriented planning and people planning are living; you have to be ready for both. A time oriented focused on Keep appointments strictly and find interruptions and delays frustrating and Relationships are subordinate to schedules and initial plans. As well people oriented focused on Appointments are approximate and subject to giving time to significant others and Schedules are subordinate to

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