1984 George Orwell Humanity Analysis

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What is humanity in an Orwellian world? George Orwell's 1984 is a novel that shows how dehumanizing totalitarian regimes could lead the world to chaos. Being that human beings intuitively crave love and affection, it makes things harder for the governing body to control human instinct, and therefor prioritizes the need for hate to be the primary emotion that people feel. The people of 1984 are bred to hate, leading the society to have loveless family relations, and seeing romantic love as forbidden act. In the book the protagonist, Winston Smith attempts to “stay human” by going against the Party's absurd views, and beginning a romantic relationship with Julia, another character from 1984 who’s sole purpose in the book is to represent lust. Since one’s humanity is every thing from their emotions, sexuality, and opinions, the romantic relation that begins between Winston, and Julia quickly comes to an end after the Party …show more content…

In 1984, Oceanian society strives to remove pleasure from mundane things such as sex, feeling unmonitored or unpermitted emotions, and expressing one’s aspirations and opinions. As said be Orwell "The Party was trying to kill the sex instinct, or, if it could not be killed, then distort it and dirty it."(Orwell, 69). This passage shows how the Party is able to manipulate peoples sexual desire because of the way they portrayed sex between two people. According to Big Brother, sex was one of the many duties of the people in order to reproduce instead of the pleasurable act of making love it should be. Along with sex, the ministry attempted to do the same thing with emotions, by installing fear into the homes of people by radicalizing children into joining an organization called the Junior Spies, where the children are brainwashed and instructed to watch