
20 Dollar Bill Research Paper

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20 Dollar Bill Do you think that Andrew Jackson should be removed from the 20 dollar bill? Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States. He was known for being the ‘’people’s president’’ and supporting the common man. Jackson is also known for creating the spoils system and owned slaves. Andrew Jackson was born March 15, 1767, and died June 8, 1845. I think that Andrew Jackson should be removed from the $20 dollar bill because he created the Spoils System, supported on the common man, and owned slaves. First, Andrew Jackson was known for creating the Spoils System. According the article titled http://dictionary.reference.com/ ‘’the spoils system was giving government jobs to supporters’’. This shows that the Spoils System was for replacing hard working federalists with people who supported him which is known as a loyalists. This proves that Andrew Jackson should be removed from the 20 dollar bill because he replaced hard working federalists with loyalist because …show more content…

According to the article found on http://www.ushistory.org/us/24a.asp ‘’The common man always held a special place in America, but with Jackson, he rose to the top of the American political power system’’. This shows that Jackson was supporting the common man which is only white males. Andrew Jackson should be removed from the 20 dollar bill because he only supported the common man because he thought that white males should be the one to control America. This shows why Jackson wanted to support the common man. Additionally, Jackson was known for owning slaves. He was known for making them do hard labor. According to the article found on http://thehermitage.com/learn/mansion-grounds/slavery/ ‘’They performed the hard labor that produced The Hermitage’s cash crop, cotton.’’ This proves that Jackson made his slaves do labor. This proves that Jackson owned slaves by making them do hard labor by making them pick

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