The Importance Of Effective Communication In The Classroom

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Literature Review
21st Century learning is all about recreation, collaboration and seeing things in different dimensions. Learning is a collective process it takes place with interaction and asking good questions sometimes to yourself and sometimes to other .Throughout the world s academicians are continuously trying to find and implement new ways of teaching and learning so that those practices could be more effective and could have quick but long lasting impact on a learner.
David Loestscher put a lot of emphasis on professional learning communities as he says lack of communication within the schools is the major cause of restricted learning environment. According to him for effective teaching and creative learning PLC is the answer.
Professional …show more content…

Through learning we rejuvenate our minds and souls and we can do such things which we had never thought we were capable of .We develop a long lasting relationship to the world. To aggravate the hunger of seeking knowledge and learning new things should be our major goal in this new world. Learning in isolation is the enemy of growth. Head teachers can play a pivotal role in creating conducive learning environment where teachers in collaboration with other teachers can plan and think together. NAESP (National Association of Elementary School Principals) 2015 emphasized a lot on the role of head teacher to understand the need of present and to envision the future needs as well for effective and creative …show more content…

Without these two tools a 21st century learner cannot be able to swim in the ocean of rapidly changing world of knowledge and learning. By reading the work of Juanita Castro Gracia a Ph.d from Charles University you come to know that there are nine structures of coaching and mentoring. According to her a consolidated professional development programme in today’s world depends on teachers learning of problem solving skills, which they can only learn through each other, using technology as an effective tool, and receiving coaching and mentoring services from model teachers, and being deeply involved in reflective actions. In early 80s Joyce and Shower has investigated the theory that peer coaching could be used to increase classroom implementation of training sessions. They proved that teachers who had trainings followed by coaching would have a higher transfer of learning rate than teachers with training only. Coaching relationships has a long lasting impact on the coach and

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