Essay On The 6 Stages Of Moral Development

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HW: 6 Stages of Moral Development

Chan, Chloe Dyanne G. 4TE-2 September 05, 2017

Level 1 (Pre-Conventional Morality) Pre-Conventional, the focus is self and the age is up to 10 to 13 years old. It is the behavior motivated by expectation of pleasure or pain. It is the approach to right and wrong taken by the children. Doesn’t have a personal code of morality, instead the moral code is shaped by the standards of adults. Moral code is also shaped by the consequences of following or even breaking the rules. The focus is individual consequences in determining right and wrong.
1. Obedience and Punishment Orientation
• It focuses on the child or individual’s desire …show more content…

But for the workers it is not fine since they will be having no permanent jobs. So for the employers, it should be changed since they also have a …show more content…

Universal Ethical Principle
• An individual at this stage already developed and follows their own set of moral guidelines which may fit or not fit the law. A person acts in this stage because it is morally right and not because of avoiding being punished. An individual chose the ethical principles that they want to follow because if they violate it, they will feel guilty. This stage is based on the respect for the universal principle and commands individual conscience. It is the conscience that becomes one’s reference of their action.
• General Example:
A man tells the one who is more powerful than him to just kill him because he can’t kill another person since he believe that killing is a sin and is not the right thing to do.
• Business-related Example:
I am one of the employees and I saw my co-worker stealing money from the sales. She told me not to report her to our boss because she needs the money badly since her son is sick. It is my conscience that is bothering me because my co-worker is pitiful at the same time what she did is wrong. It is still best to report her because that is the right thing to do than let her continue what she is

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