A Critical Analysis Of Wolfgang Iser's Essay

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But even he does not specify the nature and form of the process applied to interpretation and analysis from the stand point of aesthetic structure and form of such a type of novel. The process may even be human in a broad way without being political. That is emphasizing the socio-human repercussions of the political. Even the test of 'the political' lies in its socio-human ends than its hypothetical formulations. All political programmers create their reactions in the lives of the people, who eventually fashion the course of future politics in their human way. That is why Stephen Spender states that... ....the writer who refuses to recognize the political nature of the age must to some extent bare fusing to deal with an experience in which he himself is involved. 27 (Stephen, Spender: 1953, 215)

All these considerations prove that one way or the other the writer and politics are knotted with one another in their communication with the public, without being emphatic or narrow about commitments. Wolfgang Iser holds that, unlike philosophies or ideologies, literature does not make its selections and its decision clear. Instead its selections or records the signals of outside reality in such a way that the reader himself is to find the motives underlying the questions, and in doing so he …show more content…

For Narayan, the story is everything for Raj Rao it is a little more than a expediency. In Kanthapura the story is told from the witness-narrator point of view. The Serpent and the Rope because of its philosophical subject-matter requires a complicated and intellectual storyteller. As the theme is the knowledge of the self and the action takes place in the thought process and psyche of the superman, the narrative perspective is focused on him. The story of the novel, therefore, is opened from the protagonist narrator point of

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