Personal Narrative: A Happy New Year Of My Life

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A Happy New Year to all my friends and family!!!! 2016 for me would have gone down in the history books as one of those horrific campfire tales I would tell your children late at night by the fire. Your children? Yes, because I sure the fuck don’t want any of those little emotional terrorist! Now, if I was to tell that story two months ago I would of said, “ 2016 was the worst year of my life I lost every…..blah…blah... blah...blah! That will no longer be how the tale is told. 2016 without a doubt will probably be the most influential year I will experience in the entirety of my life. Massive shifts of energy took place on cosmic levels. Mostly all of these shifts were negative, and very negative to say the least, since then things have started to evolve. Those negative experiences have started to transform, like a cicada rising from the depths of darkness after so long, to morph into something entirely different, serve their purpose, then die off completely, even quicker than they became. Why? With all this lose could I remember this year as anything different than terrible. There is one reason. That single reason has transformed …show more content…

There has never been a person or a thing in this entire universe I have loved or cherished more. All of you that provided me your support this summer helped in saving her life. Saving her from a life that I naively thought someone else could share with me. A lifetime prison sentence of instability and rapid major changes. It is possible to love someone too much, and in doing so it blinds you from what actually may be transpiring. I could never see the truth for what it was without the help of some very special plants, but now that door is open and will never be able to be shut again. I now know why when I thought my actions were unselfish and in our best interest......they just were....yeah you

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