A Hero's Character In 'Pocket'

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The main character in my story was Pocket, a rather clever fellow who dresses like a fool but in fact is much cleverer than that. In the story he acts like a fool would, than ends up showing his true colors, by tricking, deceiving, and outwitting his enemies. I found a certain part where he end up lying and blackmailing an entire room of a kingdoms rulers into thinking they were about to be destroyed by a new type of weapon that a fleet of ships were carrying. That, by the way is only one of many interesting tricks he decided to pull on the kingdom and his enemies, and he always had this strange attitude of always being positive, but also strangely heartbroken, sad or somewhat daft. I’m not quite sure if he meant to do all these things …show more content…

Which he of course honors because he truly is in love with her and her him, alas she dies before he leaves and he continues this to honor her last wish. Another thing that influenced him was how he was betrayed by the people he came to meet and discuss some peaceful means to avoid war with this nation. Unfortunately the drugged him, chained him in a room, and built a new wall in the entrance to the small room he was held in (sound familiar?). This ends up being another huge reason for him staying alive in the crypt and ultimately escaping so seek his revenge on the idiots who think he’s dead and gone forever. Finally while he was trapped in the crypt, he overheard most if not all of their plans for, one wanting the war to happen so they can make a massive profit on it, and two how they were going to try to take over the kingdoms power by over throwing their current leader. This also made an impact on him wanting to stay and help this nation from the trouble it was about to become involved