
Night Reflection

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I’m gonna talk about the book “Night” that we have read in class during the second term.The story has for setting the time period of the WWII, in Europe.The story is about Elie, a jew and his family that are facing a lot of struggles because of their religion.Over the course of the book, Elie changes from believing in God to not believe in God. This is important to the book as a whole because it connects to the internal conflict. The main character Elie, wants to believe in God but when looking at all the actions that are happening around him, he loses faith and he is questioning himself about “the Almighty God”. The change is apparent when Elie was mad at God and questioning his majesty,and powerfulness. At the beginning he was very faithful, praying and studying at the opposite will of his father.Then in the middle of the book he started to question himself about God. At the end of the book he ended up not believing in anything and has nothing left to live for. The character changed from believing in God to not believe anymore. By analyzing this quote of evidence “And Moishe the Beaddle, the poorest of the poor of Sighet, spoke to me for hours on end about the Kabbalah’s revelations and its mysteries. Thus …show more content…

That is one of the thing that’s going to make him lose total faith. And finally by looking at this third piece of evidence “Since my father’s death, nothing mattered to me anymore. From time to time, I would dream. But only about soup,an extra ration of soup” we can see that nothing has importance to Elie anymore after his father’s death. He has lost total belief in God. He became like a beast that only care about soup and has no feelings. It shows how the character has changed from someone that had a reason to live,like God and his family to someone that only care about some extra ration soup. Even after he got liberated by the US army he couldn’t even remember himself not only physically but also

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