Character Analysis Of Kumalo In 'Cry'

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At the beginning of the novel, Paton repeats the phrase, “the grass is rich and matted, you cannot see the soil.” What do you think the significance of it is? During the interactions, Kumalo is referred or called as umfundisi. Why is it to important to know how to approach him? On his journey to Johannesburg, he says that all he sees it in red and green light, but in his vision, he sees black and white only. What is he referring to? When Kumalo is informed by Msimangu that his sister is ill, he takes all of his savings between him and his wife to make her better. What is the sister 's real illness and how was it viewed by Kumalo since he is a priest? When Kumalo buys clothes for Gertrude and her son, what does this symbolizes as? In chapter 9, it 's describing Shantytown. What relationship does it bring to describing the Ixopo from the beginning of the story? Kumalo is doing all he can to find his son. Why would he try to find him if it had been years since his son was gone? Why until now? The blacks are refusing to ride the bus so they can get a better pay. Describe how this is affecting the lives of each individuals. 1. It starts describing the Ixopo. Therefore, its significance is that Ixopo is a poor village that has been mistreated and overworked by the tribal. The tribe did not care about their land, as described on the …show more content…

The relationship between Shantytown and Ixopo is describing the neglected and horrible conditions the Africans live in. Shantytown is described as a place where people wait years to get a house (it is simply one room that multiple people already reside in) and that they can’t build houses themselves because of the War in Europe and North Africa (a struggle for control of the Suez Canal and access to oil from the Middle East and raw materials from Asia). Also, it discusses how many are living in the land of Dubula Committee where kids are coughing, having fevers that feel like fire, and have a chance of dying from these

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