Mary DiGilio
March 29, 2016
COMM 328
APA Annotated Bibliography
Barness, S. Columbia University Student Will Drag Her Mattress Around Campus Until Her Rapist Is Gone.
This article provides a brief text summary of the Columbia student, Emma Sulkowicz, and her mission as well as her story. Additionally, there is an approximately four minute video of Sulkowicz further explaining.
Bretz, A. (2014). Making an Impact?: Feminist Pedagogy and Rape Culture on University Campuses. English Studies In Canada, 40(4), 17-20.
Burgess-Proctor, A., Pickett, S. M., Parkhill, M. R., Hamill, T. S., Kirwan, M., & Kozak, A. T. (2016). College Womens Perceptions
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Building upon earlier work, they used approximately 4,500 female college students to report their sexual victimization. The analysis revealed few incidents, including rapes, are reported to police and/or campus authorities, a high portion disclosing to close friends.
Gillibrand, K., Rubenfeld, J., Sulkowicz, E., Hargitay, M., Sullivan, T., Biden, J., & ... Sommers, C. H. (2014). The Debate: How should college campuses handle sexual assault?. Time, 183(20), 28-29.
The authors of the various excerpts from their academic essays talk about different aspects of college rape culture. Namely instances of universities suppressing the seriousness as well as the prevalence on all campuses, small and large. Further, touching on the groups most often responsible as well as the feelings of victims following the trauma.
Sampson, R. Acquaintance Rape of College Students. Problem-Oriented Guides for Police Series, No. 17. PsycEXTRA Dataset.
The guide this author created discusses the problem of aquaintance rape of college students, addressing it’s scope, causes, and contributing factors. With the information in this guide, it is the authors belief that police and public safety officers can more effectively prevent the