'Abina, The Word Free'

213 Words1 Pages
To Abina, the word “free” means the freedom to have will over her own body, actions, and health. To be free is to be independent, and to be regard as a female individual who works to buy her own clothes, a sign for independency. However, her perspective of freed men is different from other such as James Hutton Brew, a lawyer representing Quamina Eddoo. Brew argues that a man is not considered a slave if there is no money involved, no beating or mistreatment, not being called a “slave”, and no field work given (Getz and Clarke, 19-20). This demonstrates how words that come from an important man hold so much powers and values compare to words coming out of Abina, a young female slave. His argument imply that Abina is technically “free”, free