Abraham Maslow And Abraham Mcgregor's Theory And Perspectives Of Human Relations

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Human relations refer to the art and practice of using systematic knowledge about human behaviour to improve personal, and job effectiveness .In human relations work and personal life do influence one another in different where luck of personal life results to negative job attitude. Human relations as has got some of its perspectives that are based on the works of Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor, Human relation perspectives dwells more on the social networks in a corporation and mostly uses gratification and gives a room for motivation in a workplace. According to McGregor’s approach of human relations change perspective on work focused on principles of management, workers compensation, and training efficient work routines. According to him he further explained that human relations approach majorly focuses on behavioral issues like for example the style of one’s leadership, satisfaction of one’s job and behavior of the group. He came up with a business perspective which he named a humanistic approach which contained the interests of the employees that they should be seen as self-motivated and capable of enhancing self-control. This was further discussed by Taylor whose approach had an aim of preventing the development through vanishing with the psychological wellbeing of an employee. McGregor developed and believed in his views and gave an explanation stating that in an organization a

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