Absenteeism In School Truancy

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Chapter I

Situational Analysis School is an agent of socialization as well as institution set up by the society in order to pass knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and other necessary qualities to the younger generations so that they become productive and leaders of tomorrow. Mahuta, (2007) was viewed and regarded a school that centers knowledge and it possesses the power to mold and shape the character of individuals in the society. Therefore, it is clear that school is a backbone and life wire of a society. In our schools, teaching and learning take place effectively when there is proper attendance on the part of both staff and students. However, present day students do engage in absenting themselves from school without concrete and reasonable reasons. Therefore, truancy become one of the problem seriously affecting teaching and learning, general performance and quality of our secondary school students as well as the quality of the education generally in developing country like Philippines. …show more content…

Buccat and Cuntapay (2006) defined absenteeism in an educational institution as a perennial problem. According to them, there is a need to gauge the students’ consciousness on absenteeism. Clores (2009) stated that truancy may indicate low performance of teachers, students’ dissatisfaction of the school service, or lack of or poor academic and non- academic structures or policies that address the problems or factors influencing or reinforcing this behaviour. Parents are financially burdened for having their children to stay longer in the school, having to re- enroll them in subjects where they fail due to excessive absences. Missing school is a serious business, and its impact on student achievement and drop-out rates has been vastly underestimated, according to a recent report from Johns Hopkins

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