Absolutism In The Philippines

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Absolutism refers to a time when kings would rule with absolute power. They controlled all the policies of the kingdom. This system was widely accepted during the 16th and 17th century which followed a time of long wars. The people were willing to give up certain freedoms to bring peace and unite the kingdom in which they lived. Absolute monarchies were effective in uniting and expanding their kingdoms, establishing and maintaining huge armies, gathering great wealth for a time. However, maintaining these accomplishments would prove to be almost impossible. Just as before absolutism, religion would bring it all crashing down. To their detriment, absolute monarchies turned their attention to spreading, defending and controlling their kingdoms under their chosen religion.
The Hapsburg Monarchies of Spain, which was well established before the age of absolutism, was the most powerful royal families during the age of absolutism. It was Phillip II, who ascended the throne in 1556, and effectivity established an absolute monarchy. King Phillip
II had five political agendas during his reign. He wanted to create wealth for Spain and himself, create a powerful Spanish military, expand Spain’s boarders and influence, spread Catholicism throughout Europe and finally make Spain the most powerful country in Europe. King Phillip II was able to achieve the first three of his agenda and was well on his way to achieving the fifth, however the fourth agenda, spread Catholicism throughout

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